On Tour with Tall Heights—Through the Simple Use Reloadable Film Camera

Just last summer, indie-folk duo Tall Heights had released its single 'The Mountain', along with a photo project which invited fans to share captured memories of passed loved ones. We shared a conversation with the band to hear about their story, the track's inspirations, and their developing relationship with photography.

In the face of a pandemic-closed country without touring music, Tall Heights ventured a backyard tour across America, and so we decided to equip them with the portable Simple Use Reloadable Film Camera to document their adventures. Follow along with Tim and Paul as they share some of their favorite moments with their own words and photos.

We've had many-a-hotel room practice in our day. Usually, we get a lot of nice comments from the room cleaning workers. But the vibe of learning a new song, or dusting off an old one in a middle-quality hotel room is an iconic mixed feeling of nervousness and tiredness and excitement.

In Boulder, Colorado, we stayed at our friend Gregory Alan Isakov's farm. We had just filmed a live take of our song Locked Out in the building behind us there. We're walking over to Greg's house for some coffee and breakfast, I think.

We're driving through Colorado. You can see Paul is FaceTiming with his family back home. I imagine he was trying to show his son the natural beauty around us. One of the pains of touring through immense natural beauty is not being able to share it with people we love back home. There's an unquenchable thirst to try to share beauty with people who simply can't. But we always try.

Soundcheck and tuning in Fort Collins, CO. This host had hops growing up the walls of his house. This show was in the shade of a stunning and very old special tree... I can't remember what kind it was though. But it was glorious. We ate amazing Mexican for dinner soon after soundcheck on the table there.

This was taken from a backyard we played just outside of Denver. If you squint, you can actually see the Denver skyline just above our PA speakers, to the left of the trees. This was a really fun backyard... there was actually a short in their electricity that made it so that every time Paul hit a low note hard on the cello, the Edison lights above us there would dim a little. The result was a really neat pulsing light show throughout the whole show. It also resulted in some anxiety as each next peak moment had me concerned we'd blow a fuse and the whole thing would go out. The backyard tour was so fun because every show had its own vibe.

Here we are at a beach just south of San Diego, immediately after eating tacos. Moments like these are what touring is all about. Well, of course, that's not entirely true, as playing music is what touring is all about, but I think a jump in an ocean or a hike in the woods can last as long in our consciousness as a killer performance can.

This is our tour manager, Steven, with a fine glass of red wine at a backyard that we played in California. This was one of the last stops of the whole nationwide backyard tour, in Orange County. I remember this show was directly beneath a flight path, so we had some very ethereal sound effects added to a few of the songs.

On a rooftop in LA with Victoria Canal and Mike Gill. Victoria (pink shirt) was up there singing a song with us, Mike (black shirt) was shooting a video of it. Not sure when this video will drop, but it will.

Thanks for bringing us along, Tall Heights.
Be sure to check out their latest album release Juniors!

"Juniors" really shocked us when it happened. We were suddenly home from a tour cut short by covid, soon to move out of "The Tall House," our shared home of 6 years in Beverly, MA. Our wives were suddenly both expecting, our families were suddenly both going through unprecedented loss, sickness, and trauma. There was Paul's cat and my dog who hated each other, and my 1-and-a-half-year-old son who was quickly learning how to walk, talk, and open doors. It was 2020 and it all happened under one roof for that last chaotic and beautiful spring and summer there, writing and recording songs within the pandemonium of a world shut down. We're really proud of this record because it crystalized our partnership and purpose as songwriters and collaborators. When life gave us lemons, limes, and oranges, we cut a record.

written by kaylalew on 2022-01-14 in #gear #people #music #tour #lomography #simple-use-camera #tall-heights

Lomography Simple Use Reloadable Film Camera

這款 Simple Use 即開即用菲林相機預載了 Lomography 的彩色負片,為成像帶來鮮豔色彩外,還擁有閃光燈功能、顏色濾片,更可重新上卷重覆使用,是一部性價比和可玩性極高的菲林相機!
