i have a bunch of cokin filters and i remember trying out various different ones on a rainy day some time ago with my yashica samurai. I quite like the soft quality of these shots but unfortunately with it being several months ago i have no recollection of which filters i used, i should keep a diary i suppose..

Yashica Samurai X3.0
Pulverantilist's Choice No. 1

11 個留言

  1. rolfmg
    rolfmg ·

    I like your explanation - it happens to me all the time and with every roll I intend to document (whatever I did: filter, aperture, time etc)....so far I have never done it......however; it could have been a blue one.....due to the softness (at least of this shot). Great collection!

  2. charliedontsurf
    charliedontsurf ·

    @rolfmg glad its not just me. Thanks Rolf :)

  3. mike1allison
    mike1allison ·

    @charliedontsurf diaries and records are highly overrated. My problem is I used to be able to remember that shit for months, now I'm lucky if it's the next day. But, it definitely adds to the constant sense of discovery! LOL

  4. charliedontsurf
    charliedontsurf ·

    @mike1allison its becoming a bit of a problem for me too. Quite often I will have 3 or 4 cameras on the go, different film stocks in each one, I always intend to mark them but rarely do and sometimes 2 or3 months go by before I'm ready to develop. I remember the old days when I only had one camera and someone else developed the film for me. Ah, cheap mail order prints with a free film too!

  5. mike1allison
    mike1allison ·

    @charliedontsurf I was running around with 2cameras - one B&W the other color. Different ISOs, etc. I was trying to use my recorder on my phone. Probably worked for 3 or 4 shots. Afterwards I couldn't remember what I'd shot with either..... more adventure!

  6. charliedontsurf
    charliedontsurf ·

    @mike1allison why can't we just be happy with digital? 😁

  7. mike1allison
    mike1allison ·

    @charliedontsurf because we're not

  8. mike1allison
    mike1allison ·

    @charliedontsurf because we're not

  9. mike1allison
    mike1allison ·

    @charliedontsurf because we're not

  10. mike1allison
    mike1allison ·

    Lol thrice

  11. charliedontsurf
    charliedontsurf ·

    @mike1allison 👍👍👍

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