What Happens When You Redscale LomoChrome Films? – A DIY by Christian Heidebur


When Lomographer @christian_heidebur got in touch with us for this idea of using the LomoChrome Turquoise in a redscale experiment, as part of his series on the LomoChrome family, we got super curious! So, we sent him one of our very secret, pre-production roll of LomoChrome Turquoise 2021 Formula to support his endeavor.

It is always a great pleasure to see how our community engages with us and to know that we do inspire your creativity. This is the best way to feel our synergy with you and it makes our day. We hope you enjoy his work as much as we did. Hear from Christian directly about his process and results.

LomoChrome Purple

I always like to browse through the articles in the Lomography magazine because I find good inspiration there in the form of helpful tips and tricks for experiments. Recently, I became curious when I read the article Easy DIY Redscale Film because I really like the original Lomography Redscale. So I wondered what the LomoChrome films would look like when exposed from the back.

As described in the DIY Redscale article, I wound the LomoChrome Purple, Metropolis as well as the new LomoChrome Turquoise into an empty film canister in reverse and put each into a Holga 135 and exposed them.

LomoChrome Metropolis

From my experience with other DIY Redscale films, I can tell that I got the best results when I overexposed 2 stops. For full control over the exposure time, a Holga is difficult to handle, but since the LomoChrome films have a range of ISO 100...400 anyway (redscaled equals a range of ISO 25...100), I ultimately found the Holga well suited for this experiment. In order to expose the films sufficiently, I released the shutter up to four times in low light conditions and at dusk.

The main goal of this experiment was to get an impression of the look of the LomoChrome DIY Redscale family, purely for the fun of experimenting: and the results were a delightful surprise!

LomoChrome Turquoise

All three films can turn into a monochromatic scale: the LomoChrome Purple in tones of pink, the LomoChrome Metropolis in olive tint and with the LomoChrome Turquoise in light blue. As the colorshift works best in bright light conditions, depending on the exposure, the LomoChrome Purple also has blue-green areas, while the LomoChrome Turquoise shows a light red to rusty brown.

Don't be afraid to experiment with red scaling. You can be surprised by the adaptability of the films and the marvelous results you can get. As you can see by following our tips the barriers to experimental photography scramble down one by one. We are exited to the idea that many more of you will redscale your LomoChrome films!

Christian is already working on his next LomoChrome experiment, this time exposing both sides of the film with the EBS technique. Curious to know what EBS is? Check out this Film Swap from Fotobes and Hodachrome using the LomoChrome Purple. We hope this experiment will inspire you to play around with Lomography products – just like Christian!

Have you ever tried to redscale a color film yourself? Share your DIY experiments with us in the comments below – any adventure is welcome!

written by eparrino on 2022-04-10 in #gear #tutorials #diy #redscale #homemade #respool #lomochromepurple #lomochrometurquoise #lomochrome-film #lomochromemetropolis

Lomography LomoChrome Turquoise XR 100-400 (35mm)

LomoChrome Turquoise 菲林為你帶來迷人、美妙和充滿實驗性的藍調影像!這款菲林將畫面中較淺的顔色變成不同深淺的藍調、把綠色化作深翡翠色調、讓晶螢的海水染成金黃色。而且更有著寬廣的 ISO 100-400,讓你進行無盡的攝影實驗!

6 個留言

  1. hervinsyah
    hervinsyah ·

    Great idea but make sure that your custom photo lab know it if you process it not by yourself because lot of photo lab complained my D.I.Y. redscale 😂

  2. christian_heidebur
    christian_heidebur ·

    @hervinsyah good point! I've had no problems with Carmencita Film Lab in Valencia though...

  3. frenchyfyl
    frenchyfyl ·


  4. ofchanceandchoice
    ofchanceandchoice ·

    @christian_heidebur Exciting experiment! You got some beautiful results (as always). I think I will give this a try. Thank you for the inspiration

  5. taurterus
    taurterus ·

    Damn, that Metropolis is a must-try; it's absolutely gorgeous

  6. thehenrydemos
    thehenrydemos ·

    Still thinking about this hahaha. IT RULES.
