City Woman with a Free Soul: An Experience with the New Petzval 55 mm f/1.7 MKII Art Lens by Aeun

Seoul-based photographer Aeun took a scene like a still-cut from a movie with the New Petzval 55 mm f/1.7 MKII. Meet Aeun's photo with Petzval's unique bokeh effect added.

New Petzval 55 mm f/1.7 MKII , Photo ©Aeun , Model Haenu Park

Hello! Please introduce yourself to Lomographers.

Hello, I'm Aeun, a photographer who takes portraits such as profile pictures and snaps in Seoul.

How did you start taking pictures?

I went to art college, and in the first and second semesters of my first year, there was a subject called Photography. At that time, I started Photography with a film camera for the first time and repainting landscape photos I had taken with oil paintings. Then, from a certain point, I think I became more interested in shooting dynamic subjects than static ones. That's how I fell in love with portrait photography.

New Petzval 55 mm f/1.7 MKII , Photo ©Aeun , Model Haenu Park

How was your preparation for this shooting?

I wanted to take pictures that showed the characteristics of the lens as best as possible. I decided to shoot at night for the bokeh effect and thought about a place where I could harmonize with the person. I decided to take a photo at Seoul Station, a landmark of Seoul, with the theme of 'City Woman with a Free Soul'. The costume the model prepared for the shoot suited the background and concept so well.

New Petzval 55 mm f/1.7 MKII , Photo ©Aeun , Model Haenu Park

When shooting, do you tend to decide on a topic or concept in advance?

If I set it too precisely, it seems to exclude attempts or elements that I can try more, so I have a lot of regrets after shooting. Unless it's a shoot that absolutely has to keep the subject or concept, even if it's a little different, if there's something better suited to the model and situation, I can flexibly change it on the spot.

Is there anything special about taking portraits?

I tend to value the emotions and eyes of the subject and make them trust me at the first meeting.

New Petzval 55 mm f/1.7 MKII , Photo ©Aeun , Model Haenu Park

How was the Petzval 55?

First of all, I liked the compact size. I felt that the expressive power of the tornado bokeh was maximized when I shot it horizontally rather than vertically, and when I put the subject in the center.

What camera did you use with the lens?

I used a Sony a7m3.

Is there a shooting situation in which you would recommend using a New Petzval 55?

It has a bright aperture, so you can shoot comfortably at night and in dark rooms, and it is good to use it in situations where you want to get a special picture that cannot be obtained with a normal lens with a unique bokeh effect. In the long and short moments of turning the focus ring, you feel more immersed in the shooting, and you will also feel like you are concentrating on the process of taking the picture itself.

New Petzval 55 mm f/1.7 MKII , Photo ©Aeun , Model Haenu Park

What are your goals as a photographer?

I'm currently preparing a small private studio. In order not to constantly explore the nature of portrait photography, I want to grow steadily through various trials and experiences. Personally, I really like the saying that records rule memory. I hope that the small record I took will become a photo that will remain cherished in their memories.

Thank you to Aeun and model Haenu Park for taking the nighttime shoot in cold weather. If you are curious about other photos taken by photographer Aeun, please visit her Instagram.

written by hey_springtime on 2022-01-17 in #gear #people #bokeh #new-petzval-art-lens #aeun

New Petzval 55mm f/1.7 MKII Bokeh Control

New Petzval 80.5mm f/1.9 MKII 鏡頭忠於 Joseph Petzval 十九世紀原始鏡頭的光學設計,現結合經典美學及現代科技,適用於數碼及菲林相機上。進階版本更附有散景調節環,隨心控制螺旋散景效果。同時更備有新型的 helicoid 對焦機制和無段式葉片光圈系統,不論拍攝硬照還是影片創作也十分適合。
