Finding the Calm in Everyday Life

With so many things going on in the world, art can be a welcome respite. Some people tune out the noise with music that they like, some turn to literature for a momentary escape, and others opt to see the world through the camera lens.

These diaristic photographs that were taken by @sizer696_2m remind us of the simple moments amidst the complexities of modern life.

Credits: sizer696_2m

Clear blue skies and soft morning sunbeams, the feel of sand and seafoam, a cat's purr. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our troubles that we forget these quiet details that are worth celebrating. In our frantic rush to keep up with everyday pressures, it's easy to forget to give ourselves a well-deserved break.

Credits: sizer696_2m

The past couple of years have been challenging for everybody, and it has been difficult for creatives to find inspiration. May these photos by @sizer696_2m encourage you to pause, observe, and notice the beauty in things, and to find serenity in-between days.

Credits: sizer696_2m

See more of these lovely photos at @sizer696_2m's LomoHome.

written by shhquiet on 2022-01-17 in #calm #diary #japan #diaristic
