Just Cameras – a Photo Gallery of Community Collections

I don't know about you but I have a fascination with gear that people use. May it be watches, bikes, and photo gear – I love seeing things that people use and have a special bond with.

Credits: badjuju

In the years I've written for the Lomography Magazine (seven years and counting), I've seen a lot of cameras and only now I'm wondering why I've never given them the spotlight in one of my articles. Well, as they say, there's a first time for everything and here it is! Whether they're made of plastic or steel, these light-capturing boxes have been there with us for our highs and lows. They've captured smiles, interpreted our visions, been a witness to milestones, and many things in between.

Credits: ornella, berndtotto, clickiemcpete, tamsoam, falsedigital, superlighter, blueglitter & astonuts

On behalf of the whole Lomography community, I'd like to say that we love you and I hope we continue to share more wonderful years with you - capturing moments and developing stories along the way. Without you, this whole creative revolution that we all belong to wouldn't be possible. May your shutters continue to work and your focus stays true. Don't worry about the dings, scuffed leatherette, and smoothened knobs. You are more than that and we wish to spend more time and load up more film rolls with you. Cheers to our cameras!

If your camera could listen to you, what would you say? Sound off in the comments section below and share a picture of your favorite camera with us!

written by cheeo on 2021-05-22 in #gear #camera #collection #photo-gallery
