Daily France: Precious Memories with the Diana Instant Square


The Palaiseau-based Lomographer joecool is an aficionado for instant photography. Inside his LomoHome, he gives us the tiny details of what one would normally encounter on daily life in France as he visits Montmartre, Descartes, and Loctudy through the Diana Instant Square with the Diana F+ 75 mm Premium Glass Lens.

Credits: joecool

Joe opened February 2020 with various instant shots of the cool and breezy seaside of Loctudy and Le Guilvinec both known as fishing ports and seaside resorts in Brittany. The communes are known for preserving old Breton elements, culture and nuances of the language – Joe captures such elements through architecture, but the real feat of the place is its cool blue seaside.

Love how the red jacket continues to stand out in the background! The Diana Instant Square is great for giving that old vintage look while retaining the brilliance of colors on where it matters.

Credits: joecool

Sometime earlier this year too, he visited Descartes, a commune located in Indre-et-Loire. Named after the historical philosopher René Descartes, the town was initially named La Haye en Touraine. While a busy city, the place is known for its gorgeous views, cultural and historical tours with amazing campsites.

Here you can see how Joe and his companions made the most out of Descartes, both immersing with the urban and natural settings.

Credits: joecool

The photographer can also be spotted around Montmartre lately, as he seems to be on a mission on capturing street art and graffiti found on the Parisian hill with the Diana Instant Square. Just near the Sacré-Cœur Basilica or the Place du Tertre, you can find street artists creating portraits and illustrations around.

Montmartre is famous among locals and tourists alike where anyone can unleash their inner flâneur or flâneuse, and perhaps might awaken more of the artiste in you.

Credits: joecool

Visit joecool's LomoHome for more of his analogue shots! Like Joe, you can also unleash the artistic diarist in you with the Diana Instant Square, available at the Online Shop!

written by cielsan on 2020-08-10 in #culture #people #places #instant-photography #travel-photography #diana-instant-square


Diana Instant Square

Diana Instant Square

以 Diana Instant Square 方形即影即有相機體驗不可預知之美!沒有重拍、沒有後製 —— 唯有 Diana 相機獨有的 Lo-Fi 味道,烙印在方形相紙上。還有 6 款鏡頭及多項創意配件,立即以 Diana Instant Square 感受前所未有的即影即有拍攝體驗!

3 個留言

  1. frenchyfyl
    frenchyfyl ·

    @joecool chouette !

  2. joecool
    joecool ·

    Thanks :)

  3. joecool
    joecool ·

    @frenchyfyl ah ah je n’avais pas vu ! Merci ;)
