Why is the New Petzval 58 Bokeh Control Lens only offered with Nikon F and Canon EF mounts?

We have spent a great deal of time perfecting the technical calculations of the New Petzval 58 for compatibility with Nikon and Canon cameras. Rather than shift our focus towards making other mounts available, we will continue building on our experience with Canon and Nikon mounts. Additionally, with the help of dedicated adapter mounts, the New Petzval 58 can be used on tons of other digital and analogue cameras (i.e. M 4/3, NEX and FX).

Here are some of the great pairings that are possible with the New Petzval 58:

Find out all our tips, tricks and advice on The New Petzval 58 Bokeh Control Lens.

於 2015-06-26 以 #petzval-58 標籤